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Error message : "RollbackTransaction requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is Open, Fetching."

Nov 7 2005 3:41 AM

This below is source code  :
public static bool IsExistCustomerID(string customerid,OdbcConnection conn,OdbcTransaction trans)
   bool ret=false;
   string sql="select customerid from customers"+
    " where customerid=?";
   OdbcDataReader reader=null;
    using(OdbcCommand cmd=new OdbcCommand(sql,conn,trans))
    if(reader!=null) reader.Close();
   return ret;

public static void Insert2Customers(string custid,string comname,OdbcConnection conn,OdbcTransaction trans)
   string sql="Insert into customers(customerid,companyname)"+
       " values(?,?)";
    using(OdbcCommand cmd=new OdbcCommand(sql,conn,trans))
public static Test(){
    conn=new OdbcConnection(con_string);
    ArrayList arr=new ArrayList();
     for(int i=0;i<=arr.Count;i++){
      string customerid=arr[i].ToString();
      ret=IsExistCustomerID(customerid,conn,trans);   //Select statement
      if(ret)         // line 1
      {                // line 2
       if(trans!=null)trans.Rollback();    // line 3
       throw new TrapException("duplicate customer id");  //line 4
      } //line 5
   catch(TrapException e)
    Console.WriteLine("error : {0}",e.Message);
I got error message in line 3 with message :
      "RollbackTransaction requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is Open, Fetching."
I don't know what it happen if anybody know about this problem tell me at [email protected]
Thanks for advance