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Error while populating datagrid using ASync Call

Apr 16 2008 1:13 AM

Hi All,

I am using Async call to populate datagrid by following code.

This code I have written in a class which inherit in other class. This class has a virtual method which is overridden in derived class.

Problem I am facing is, datagrid is populated and displayed sometimes and not every time I load the page.I already checked the rowcount in table that I am assigning to grid. I am getting the proper row count.

I have declaired a delegate and using BegingInvoke and EndEnvoke method for it.

FYI, flgrd is an object of delegate.


private void CallAsyncMethod()


flgrd = new FillGrid(processData);

flgrd.BeginInvoke(new AsyncCallback(this.callAsyncResultMethod), flgrd);


private void callAsyncResultMethod(IAsyncResult ar)


flgrd = ((FillGrid)(ar.AsyncState));



public virtual void GetData()


// User will write code in derived class to populate datagrid.


private void processData()




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