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Jun 5 2024 4:39 AM

Hi Team,

As my project outcome, I have 2 HealthCheck Status - 

1 - Healthy
2 - UnHealthy

If I see Unhealthy, my overall status should be degraded. Is it possible to implement ? If so, how ? Please help.

My Current Code :: 

Predicate = check => check.Tags.Contains("SQL Connection") || check.Tags.Contains("rate check") || check.Tags.Contains("live check"),
ResponseWriter = UIResponseWriter.WriteHealthCheckUIResponse

If any is unhealthy I should the overall status as Degraded but now it is getting displayed as UnHealthy


Sample :: 

  -> Rollout (degraded)
    -> ReplicaSet A (healthy)
      -> Pod 1 (healthy)
    -> ReplicaSet B [canary] (unhealthy)
      -> Pod 2 (unhealthy)

Answers (6)