how to add theme for a web page when it's calling form windows application using Web Request class

Feb 25 2008 6:21 PM

Hi Everybody,

I want to apply theme for a web page when it's calling from windows application using web Request class.

Here is the code in windows application

public static string GetPageHTML(string url)


string strHtml = String.Empty;



Uri uri = new Uri(url);

WebRequest resq = WebRequest.CreateDefault(uri);

WebResponse resp = null;

StreamReader sr;

resq.Timeout = 99999999;

resq.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;

resq.PreAuthenticate = false;

resp = resq.GetResponse();

sr = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream());

strHtml = sr.ReadToEnd();


catch (Exception ex)


strHtml = string.Empty;

//throw ex;


return strHtml;



On the Web Application relavent page I override the PreInit Event  with the Masterpage information and Theme .I get the content with out applying Theme.(Master page and Theme infomation are stored in DB).Please help me .


thank you
