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How to Save Upload file in Multiple Server in asp.net C#?

Oct 6 2017 3:17 AM
I have used below code to upload the file and save in directory
SourceUpload sourceupload = new SourceUpload();
sourceupload.Filename = fileUploadsource.FileName;
sourceupload.Path = Server.MapPath(@"../Upload/");
sourceupload.Fullpath = sourceupload.Path + sourceupload.Filename.ToString();
filenameoriginal = sourceupload.Filename;
sourceupload.Fpath = @"../Upload/" + sourceupload.Filename; 
In this code file stored in side my application directory.
Now i want to store the file in another server how to save the file in another server.
i create Virtual Directorie to save but how to do it.

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