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how to set proxy setting for mozilla for win xp and 8

Aug 16 2014 10:44 AM
To set proxy i access pref.js file and write following piece of code:
 first access path :
 Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + @"\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\"
And then set proxy to 5 for win 7 :
string str = File.ReadAllText(arrProfDirs[i] + "\\Prefs.js");
if (str.IndexOf("user_pref(\"network.proxy.type\", 5);") == -1)
str += "user_pref(\"network.proxy.type\", 5);";

in this way i did for win 7. what should i make changes to this code to set proxy for win8  and xp?