Ravi Kumar

Ravi Kumar

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I Need to hide/disable "Modify View" button in ribbon

Sep 1 2015 6:36 AM
Dear All,
I have a scenario like i need to hide a "Modify View" Button from ribbon control for all users except spadmin/system account.
I have made hidden through CSS
<style type="text/css">
I have used security trimmed control in master page
<Sharepoint:SPSecurityTrimmedControl runat=”server” Permissions=FullMask”>
Only users with FullMask permissions will be able to see this content.
<style type="text/css">

Tried with changing Permissions to "ManageWeb" and etc.
 i reffered this for permissions
 Have not found any solution please kindly help me out.
Many thanks in advance.
Ravi Kumar S 

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