Allen Jaffe

Allen Jaffe

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Is there a way to feed or stream our content to another site

Oct 7 2009 7:20 PM
We have a free, oral health information site called All of our content is copyrighted (I know, big deal) and took years to produce- there are over 2000 pages of peer-reviewed content and over 70 animations. We have been approached by a company that wants to use our content on their site. We told them that the only way we would be willing to do that was if it remained ToothIQ branded - in other words, they could not take our content and claim it as their own. They were fine with that and now the for the question: Is there a way to feed or stream our content to their site? Since they are a specialty site and we are a general site, they will only want certain parts of what we have.

Answers (1)