Not able to get PIN by EMV process in Ingenico Ipp350

Jul 30 2018 9:33 AM
I am not able to get PIN by EMV process in Ingenico Ipp350, as i am able to authorize in M33_03_EMV_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST but PIN is not getting.
Below is the code what I am trying.
This not all code here, as I am new to this process, so any help will be appreciated.
Please let me know if any other information required.
  2. {  
  3. pinpadLogger("");   
  4. pinpadLogger("****************************************************************");  
  5. pinpadLoggerWithTimestamp("Unsolicited message: " + msgID + "\n");  
  6. pinpadLogger("****************************************************************");  
  7. string Status = RBA_API.GetParam(PARAMETER_ID.P33_03_REQ_STATUS); byte[] byteTagData = new byte[1]; if (Status == "E")  
  8. pinpadLogger(" ERROR RECEIVED");  
  9. StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); while (true)  
  10. int TagParamLength = RBA_API.GetTagParamLen(msgID); if (TagParamLength <= 0) breakint tagId = RBA_API.GetTagParam(msgID, out byteTagData);  
  11. string strTagData = ByteArrayToString(byteTagData);  
  12. pinpadLogger("TAG ID = " + tagId.ToString("X") + " Tag Param Length = " + TagParamLength + " TagData = " + strTagData.ToUpper());  
  13. builder.Append("\n" + "TAG ID = " + tagId.ToString("X") + " Tag Param Length = " + TagParamLength + " TagData = " + strTagData.ToUpper());  
  14. pinpadLogger("TAG ID = " + tagId.ToString("X") + " Tag Param Length = " + TagParamLength + " TagData = " + strTagData.ToUpper()); if (chkParseEMVTags.Checked == true)  
  15. //if (tagId.ToString("X") == "82" || tagId.ToString("X") == "8E" || tagId.ToString("X") == "95" || tagId.ToString("X") == "9F07" || tagId.ToString("X") == "9F27" || tagId.ToString("X") == "9F33" || tagId.ToString("X") == "9F34")  
  16. { getParseTag`enter code here`s().ParseEMVTags(tagId.ToString("X"), TagParamLength, strTagData, byteTagData);  
  17. } }  
  18. pinpadLogger("****************************************************************");  
  19. pinpadLogger(""); string final = builder.ToString();  
  20. RBA_API.ResetParam(PARAMETER_ID.P_ALL_PARAMS); break;  
  21. }

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