Joel Bwana

Joel Bwana

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Passing data from 2 forms to same textbox c#

Aug 12 2020 2:35 PM
I have two forms FormA and FormB. Each has combobox prefiled with data from database. I can pass data from each of these box to another formC but I have to comment out a section of the code each time. Is there a way to pass such data(when I click submit button) depending on which form I am working with? 
Here is what my code looks like...
public static string authcode = "";
private void btnok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
authcode = cmbselectexam.SelectedItem.ToString();
Questions qs = new Questions();
FormB(Another source)
public static string setauthcode = "";
setauthcode =txtauthorizationcode.Text;
Questions qs = new Questions();
private void Questions_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//txtauthorizationcode.Text = TestDetails.setauthcode;
txtauthorizationcode.Text = EditQuestions.authcode;

Answers (12)