paypal integration

Sep 3 2014 1:00 PM
I have made application in which i have passed the credit card details but i am getting error message after i runs the program.

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PayPal Payflow Pro transaction request   TRXTYPE: S TENDER: C ACCT: 411111XXXXXX1111 EXPDATE: 0416 CVV2: XXX AMT: 1.50 COMMENT1: My Product Sale USER: VENDOR: PARTNER: 983VY4AEZCBC8 MERCHANTACCID: PayPal PWD: XXXXXXXXXX   PayPal Payflow Pro transaction response   RESULT: 26 RESPMSG: Invalid vendor account   Status: Transaction Failed.

pre lang="css">PayPal Payflow Pro transaction response

RESPMSG: Invalid vendor account

Status: Transaction Failed.
what is the meaning of this error?

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