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"Accepted Answer" button not shown for accept my own answer

Dec 28 2020 4:11 PM
In my first question here, on, I've posted a question- which I've given an solution/answer.
This is the link of my question: 
I came from Stack Overflow and, where (in the mentioned websites), the OP (original poster) can accept their own answer, but, it seems in doesn't have this feature.
I might be missing something - probably, I didn't reply to my question, or due my low reputation, I'm unable to select my own answer.
I've search in the forums of c-sharpcorner about this issue, but, it's not clear to me how can I select/mark/accept my own answer.
How can I select/mark/accept my own answer?
Sorry if this question doesn't belong in this category, but, here ( says: 
  • If you do not find a proper category, post your question on one of the General or Miscellaneous categories. 

Answers (2)