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vb6 handles .net com class events

Nov 13 2009 9:59 AM
i have the ComClassSearchCustomers class and interface IComClassSearchCustomersat .net which used to create a tlb file. The class raise an event inside new. After that i have a vb6 form Form1 which catch the event , but it never see the event. Any ideas? Option Strict On Option Explicit On Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices _ Public Class ComClassSearchCustomers Public Delegate Sub printReportEventHandler(ByVal codes As String) Public Event printReport As printReportEventHandler Public Sub New() MyBase.New() RaiseEvent printReport("MARIA") End Sub End Class Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices _ Public Interface IComClassSearchCustomers _ Sub printReport(ByVal codes As String) End Interface Public WithEvents Instance As Search.ComClassSearchCustomers Private Sub Form_Load() Set Instance = New Search.ComClassSearchCustomers End Sub Private Sub Instance_printReport(ByVal codes As String) MsgBox ("raise") End Sub