Related resources for Assemblies
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  • Disassembling With Reflector: Part 11/1/2021 11:50:08 AM. This article shows dissembling of the source code of an assembly using Reflector.
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  • Understanding Process, Application Domain And Assemblies11/10/2020 7:11:31 AM. We usually come across these terms: Process, Application Domain or App Domain, Assemblies. It is good to have a basic knowledge of these terms and how each one is related to each other.
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  • Assembly - Difference between .EXE and .DLL4/4/2019 2:53:07 PM. In this video, we will discuss the difference between EXE and .DLL . An Exe have independent memory address space to execute, whereas a DLL needs a host to execute itself, therefore it needs an EXE.
  • Introduction to Assemblies in .NET4/4/2019 2:50:17 PM. In this video, we will understand assemblies in .NET, Types of assemblies. Assemblies in .NET are single unit of deployment.
  • .NET Framework and Architecture3/1/2019 2:46:40 AM. This article will help your in understanding .NET and .NET architecture.
  • Extending MVC Controllers From External Assemblies And Projects1/13/2017 11:26:52 AM. In this article you will learn how to extend MVC Controllers from External Assemblies and Projects.
  • Autocomplete TextBox in WPF (Using Only .NET and WPF Libraries)5/31/2015 6:39:26 PM. In this source sample I show how to add the autocomplete functionality in your WPF application's TextBox control using your own model data, .NET assemblies and WPF assemblies.
  • Assemblies in C#: Part 25/27/2015 3:09:49 PM. This article explains assemblies in C# with an example.
  • Assemblies in C# : Part 15/26/2015 12:13:48 PM. This article explains Assemblies in C#, a basic unit of application deployment and versioning.
  • Disassembling With Reflector: Part 211/9/2014 5:10:49 PM. This article shows how to reveal the license code information by dissembling its corresponding classes after backtracking the code flow execution.
  • Learn MVC Basics3/18/2014 6:09:16 PM. The Model View Controller (MVC) pattern is an architectural design principal that separates components of web applications.
  • Debugging a Compiled Component10/31/2013 1:21:51 AM. After an assembly is compiled into a dll in a release mode, it is very difficult to gather information from it such as runtime performance, parameters values, etc.
  • Using LINQ in .NET4/24/2013 11:47:55 PM. In this article we will discuss the LINQ approach introduced in .NET 3.5 for querying.
  • Assemblies in ASP.Net using VB.NET12/1/2012 4:30:24 AM. In this article we will discuss what assembly is and why we use it.
  • Understanding How Assert Effects Security in VB.NET11/10/2012 2:56:26 AM. This article expalins about how asserts effect security in VB.NET. How you restrict access to your library modules and resources requires that you understand the pros and cons in the security process used.
  • Building Assemblies using VB.NET11/10/2012 2:39:37 AM. This article discusses how to build assemblies and secure them from being tampered.
  • Reading Assembly attributes in VB.NET11/10/2012 12:53:35 AM. This article allows you to read the assembly attributes information using .NET. The information store in AssemblyInfo files like Title, Description, copyright, Trade mark can be read using reflection and assembly namespace.
  • Getting Images From Scanners and Webcams using VB.NET11/10/2012 12:51:12 AM. In this article I will show how to acquire pictures from imaging peripherals like scanners, webcams and so on, by calling some API functions, provided by the EZTW32.DLL library, and Visual Basic.
  • Attributes Programming in VB.NET11/8/2012 6:24:28 AM. An attribute is a new code level language construct in all major .NET languages. It provides integration of declarative information to assemblies, classes, interfaces, members, etc. at the code level. The information can then be used to change the runtime behavior or collect organizational information.
  • How Can You Migrate your Existing Applications?10/13/2012 4:41:50 AM. When a new technology emerges, companies and developers begin to wait anxiously for answers to their questions.
  • C# Friendly Assemblies: Looking at Building Truly Reusable Components10/3/2012 12:07:53 PM. This article discusses how we can hide our base class implementation and require referencing of our objects through their interfaces. This keeps our own projects loosely coupled and also allows us to publish our assemblies as truly reusable components because they are 100% “Black box”.
  • Searching in User Profile Properties10/3/2012 9:14:10 AM. Enabling search in membership profile properties using SQLSERVER2005 pluggable assembly created by C#.
  • XP, Component Services and .NET9/30/2012 4:52:19 AM. First of all, COM+ does revolutionize COM; it is not only a superior new version of the COM programming model it is also a new platform to design and develop components. In addition, COM+ Services in XP does have some differences from Windows 2000; also XP and COM+ 1.5 offer a richer set of services than was available in COM+ 1.0. This article will describe the basic component services on the XP.
  • WPF: An Introduction (Part 2)9/29/2012 6:33:14 AM. This is the second part of an introduction to WPF; here we are going to learn WPF in detail.
  • Security in .NET.9/29/2012 6:11:26 AM. In this article I will explain you about Security in .NET.
  • Case Study: Demo Networking Financial System 9/23/2012 6:13:38 AM. In this tutorial I will discuss some of the design and development issues that one might consider when using .NET framework for developing Network affiliated applications.
  • Calling External Assemblies From Orchestrations5/15/2012 2:08:30 PM. In this article, I will cover how to call business logic contained in external assemblies from orchestration in order to reuse this component's logic. For the solution, I will create a library with a component which implements the string concatenation logic. Then this assembly will be referenced from an orchestration and the underlying method will be invoked.
  • Calling External Assemblies From Maps in BizTalk5/13/2012 3:43:34 AM. In this article, I will cover how to call external assemblies from maps in BizTalk through a simple example of an external assembly which implements the logic of string concatenation.
  • Web Solution Packages 9/15/2011 10:59:47 PM. Managed code assemblies can be deployed to a SharePoint server using a new capability called Solution Deployment.
  • Namespaces and Assemblies in C#11/27/2009 12:17:33 AM. In this article I will explain about Namespaces and Assemblies in C#.
  • Naming Guidelines in .NET1/3/2006 6:50:56 AM. Commenting and following a uniform naming guidelines in your code is one of good programming practices to make code more useful.
  • Robotics Game Using .NET Languages12/28/2005 7:38:04 AM. It is often not easy to get to know new technologies like .NET if you don’t get introduced to in a work environment.
  • How to work with Assemblies in InstallShield Developer 7.012/24/2005 12:40:44 AM. InstallShield Developer 7.0 is the best solution for providing the very easy user interface to author installations having both .NET and side by side components. This article is a step by step walk through of how to create a deployment project using InstallShield.
  • .NET framework comparison with Java Architecture12/17/2005 4:08:20 AM. This article outlines Microsoft's proposed standardization of .NET framework in ECMA forum as CLI (Common Language Infrastructure), but the Microsoft documentation refer this as CLR (Common Language Runtime).