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  • C# Visitor Pattern Power 9/26/2023 4:58:10 AM. Exploring The Power Of The C# Visitor Pattern&quot; is a title or topic that suggests delving into the capabilities and benefits of using the Visitor design pattern in C#.The Visitor pattern is a be
  • Creating A Fluent API In C#.NET9/25/2023 9:17:16 AM. In this article we will look at creating a Fluent API class in C#.NET. In a Fluent API, we can link together different functionality to get a particular result. We see this used many times in Entity F
  • Proxy Pattern in C#9/22/2023 8:32:53 AM. Learn about the Proxy Pattern in C#, a powerful structural design pattern. Explore its purpose, implementation, and real-world applications, enhancing software efficiency, maintainability, and scalabi
  • Exploring Decorator Pattern in C# 9/21/2023 10:41:48 AM. Exploring the Decorator Pattern in C#.the Decorator Pattern stands out as a versatile tool for extending the functionality of classes without altering their structure. In this article, we will delve i
  • Understanding the Flyweight Design Pattern in C#9/20/2023 5:04:26 AM. Explore the Flyweight Design Pattern in C#, a memory-efficient structural pattern. Learn to optimize performance by sharing common properties among objects, improving application efficiency.
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  • Design Patterns in Software Development9/18/2023 5:07:11 AM. In software development, design patterns are like architectural blueprints, guiding developers to create efficient and adaptable code. Structural patterns connect objects (e.g., Adapter, Decorator), C
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  • Strategy Design Pattern in C#7/16/2023 5:04:48 AM. In this article we will learn what is a strategy design pattern and how we can implement it using C#. We will use a real world example of ImageProcessor to explain.
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  • Design patterns and its types6/28/2023 6:40:40 AM. Design patterns for well-structured, maintainable software. Creational, structural, and behavioral patterns are discussed with real-life examples.
  • Singleton Design Pattern In C#6/6/2023 8:51:56 AM. In this article, learn what a Singleton Design Pattern is and how to implement a Singleton Pattern in C#.
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  • Simplifying Object Creation - Using The Factory Design Pattern In Everyday Development3/15/2023 10:41:25 AM. In software engineering, a creational design pattern is a design pattern that deals with the process of object creation in a way that is both flexible and efficient. Creational design patterns provide
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  • Design Pattern For Beginner- Part-3: Prototype Design Pattern1/27/2023 10:53:58 AM. In today’s article we will learn one more very common design pattern called Prototype design pattern.
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  • Command Design Pattern in C#9/2/2022 9:41:48 AM. Here you will learn about the Command Design Pattern in C#.
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