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Describing Musical Domain with F#
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Easy Way To Become An F# Programmer For C# Developers
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Search Records in Windows Form From SQL Server
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In this article you will see how to search the records from the database sql-server and how to binding the table values inside the datagrid.
Arrays in F# - A Mutable Collection
9/11/2023 9:12:44 AM.
In this article you will learn about Arrays in F#. Arrays in F# are mutable data type.
Exploring F# Arrays: A Comprehensive Guide
9/5/2023 5:10:55 AM.
Explore the power of F# arrays: creation, manipulation, benefits, and tips—master efficient data handling in F# programming.
Aggregate Functions in F#
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In this article you will see and learn about the aggregate functions in a Windows Forms application.
MouseMove Event in Windows Form Using F#
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F#'s List
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F# Records
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F# Pattern Matching
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F# Tuple
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F#'s System.Char Type Basics
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F# - For And While Loop Concepts
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SharpLab - Another Powerful Online Code Execution And Decompiler Tool
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Rockin’ The Code World with dotNetDave ft. Scott Hunter Ep. 42
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Get Started With F#
1/31/2019 2:47:43 AM.
In this post we will start with basic things to learn Visual F#.
F# Data Abstraction Layer For C#
1/21/2019 12:35:37 AM.
In this article I'll take a look at building a data abstraction layer in F# and consuming it with C#.
PictureBox Control in F#
8/21/2018 2:14:37 AM.
In this article I have explained the PictureBox Control and how to use this control in a Windows Forms application.
Use ExecuteScalar Function in F#
8/21/2018 1:29:14 AM.
This article explains the ExecuteScalar( ) function of the SqlCommand class and how to use this function in a Windows Forms application.
End-To-End Testing Of Your Web Applications With Canopy
6/13/2018 10:10:08 AM.
This article will introduce to you canopy - selenium-based end-to-end testing framework that uses F#.
Create WPF Application With F# And FsXaml
5/23/2018 9:16:54 AM.
In this article, I will show you how to start a WPF (Windows application) with F# by using a type of provider called FsXaml to work easily with XAML file.
Routing In - Web Development With F#
11/29/2017 5:31:23 PM.
A web application is generally composed of multiple “routes”. A route means a URL that does not necessarily map a physical file, you can use routes to define some URLs that are semantically meaningfu
Introduction To Suave With F#
11/23/2017 12:50:29 PM.
In this article, we will see how to construct a simple web application with the F# language and the Suave web server on Visual Studio Code.
Introduction to F# (F-Sharp)
6/26/2017 5:09:52 AM.
This article is an introduction to F# (F-Sharp). Visual Studio 2010 Introduced the F# programming language. The F# programming language is used for functional and Object Oriented Programming.
String Operations In F#
4/7/2016 1:50:37 AM.
In this article you will learn about String Operations in F#.
Printing And Formatting Outputs In F#
4/1/2016 10:57:42 AM.
In this article you will learn how to print and format outputs in F#.
Introduction To Functional Programming And F#
3/26/2016 12:36:06 PM.
In this article you will learn about Functional Programming and F# language.
Random Object in F#
12/8/2013 3:26:55 PM.
This article explains and shows the use of the Random object.
IDisposable Interface in F#
12/7/2013 10:32:11 PM.
This article explains events and the IDisposable interface.
Working With Having Clause in F#
12/6/2013 11:19:02 PM.
My previous article explaiined how to use Group by clause using Stored Procedure in Windows Forms application now I will describe in this article the Having Clause and how to use this clause in Windows in a Stored Procedure.
Command Pattern Undo/Redo in F#
12/3/2013 1:51:25 PM.
This article explains the Undoable commands such as the actions Undo and Redo commands in F# console applications.
Grouping Database Records in Windows Form
11/30/2013 8:31:10 PM.
This article explains how to use the Group By clause in a Stored Procedure in a Windows Forms application.
Binding Navigation Manually From Database in F#
11/30/2013 8:02:56 PM.
In this article you will see how to bind database records in a Windows Forms form without using a BindingNavigator class.
Data Binding in Windows Form Using F#
11/30/2013 7:26:39 PM.
This article explains data binding in .NET Framework Windows Forms applications to access data from a database such as SQL Server.
Binding Source Images in Windows Form Using F#
11/27/2013 8:54:30 PM.
This arcticle explains the BindingSource Control and how to retrieve the images using navigation buttons from the database in a Windows Forms application.
Constant Pattern Matching in F#
11/22/2013 3:49:00 PM.
In this article I will explain the Pattern Matching features of Match expressions and the Constant Pattern Matching in a F# console application.
PrintDocument Control in WIndows Form Using F#
11/22/2013 3:35:00 PM.
In this arcticle you will learn about the PrintDocument Control, PictureBox Control and OpenFileDialog Class in a Windows Forms application.
Use Navigation Buttons in DataTable Using F#
11/20/2013 3:45:30 PM.
In this arcticle you will learn about the ToolStrip button and properties of the BindingNavigator class in a Windows Forms Application. The main purpose of this article is to explain how to use the navigation buttons for a DataTable.
Use Scalar Functions in Windows Form Using F#
11/19/2013 7:56:36 PM.
Aggregate functions perform the calculation on the single value and returns a single value for the specified column.
Display an Image in Windows Form From SQL Server Using F#
11/18/2013 6:22:53 PM.
This article explains the PictureBox Control and how to display an image from the database in a Windows Forms application.
Remove Duplicate Records From DataTable in F#
11/16/2013 10:16:45 PM.
This article explains how to remove duplicate records from a DataTable in a Windows Forms application.
Determine the Area of Annulus in Windows Form Using F#
11/13/2013 7:55:46 PM.
An annulus is the part of a large circle remaining when a small circle with the same center is cut out. The area is simply the area of large circle subtract the area of the small circle.
Timer Object in F#
11/13/2013 3:52:55 PM.
This article explains the Timer object and the properties of the Timer class in Windows Forms applications.
Bind Data in DataTable From Database in F#
11/8/2013 2:59:09 PM.
DataTable object works as in the disconnected environment that allows users to create a single table.
DrawPolygon() and DrawEllipse() in F#
11/4/2013 1:41:18 PM.
This article explains the DrawPolygon(), FillPolygon(), DrawEllipse() and FillEllipse() functions to draw ellipses and triangles.
SystemSounds Object in F#
11/3/2013 7:06:15 PM.
SystemSounds object is used to access the system sounds provided by the Windows operating system. The SystemSounds object has sounds such as asterisk, beep, hand, exclamation and question.
User Controls in Windows Form Using F#
10/31/2013 11:02:52 PM.
In this article I have explained the basic user controls, such as Label, TextBox, MonthCalendar, ComboBox, CheckBox, RadioButton and how to create these controls in Windows Forms applications.
Volume of Rectangular Prism in F#
10/29/2013 3:53:15 PM.
In this article I have explained prisms and how to compute the volume of a rectangular prism in a Windows Forms application.
Char.IsLetter() and Char.IsNumber() in F#
10/27/2013 10:59:09 PM.
In this article I have explained input validation using the Char.IsLetter( ) method and the Char.IsNumber( ) method.
Cursors Properties in F#
10/27/2013 10:42:56 PM.
In this article I have explained the cursor class and the properties of the cursor class. We then explain how to create a cursors in a Windows Forms application.
Using After Delete Trigger in F#
10/24/2013 7:59:12 PM.
In this article I explained how to delete records in one table and after using an "after delete" trigger on the table and deleting records they are saved in another table.
Using After Update Trigger in F#
10/24/2013 7:56:10 AM.
In this article you will learn how to use after update trigger in F# window applicaiotn. After update trigger is fired after an update on the table.
Using After Insert Trigger in F#
10/23/2013 1:48:30 AM.
This article explains how to create a trigger on a table and why to triggers.
Introduction To Delegates in F#
10/19/2013 1:56:23 PM.
In this article I will explain Delegates and how to them in a F# console application.
Introduction To Preview Release of F# 3.1
10/17/2013 11:11:17 PM.
In this article I am introducing the pre-release of F# 3.1 and its characteristics and new tools with VS 2013.
Registration Form in F#
10/16/2013 6:30:47 PM.
In this article you will see how to create a Registration Form in Windows Forms application. The user login details are stored in a SQL Server database.
Login Form in F#
10/12/2013 5:46:41 PM.
In this article you will see how to create a Login Form in a Windows Forms application.
How to Change the HeaderText of DataGridView in F#
10/11/2013 7:13:55 PM.
This article explains the DataGridviewTextBoxColumn class and how to use it in a Windows Forms application, including how to change the HeaderText.
How to Use BindingNavigator in F#
10/10/2013 11:39:36 PM.
This article explains the BindingNavigator Control and how to use this control in a Windows Forms application.
Using PropertyGrid Control in F#
10/7/2013 4:48:37 PM.
This article explains the PropertyGrid Control and how to use this control in a Windows Forms application and specify the editing setting and change the properties of the control in your application.
ToolTip Control in F#
10/7/2013 4:25:58 PM.
In this article I have explained the ToolTip Control and how to use this control in a Windows Forms application.
Fetching Records Using Joins in F#
10/4/2013 4:37:01 PM.
This article explains how to get the records in one table from one or more other tables using joins (inner join, left join and right join).
Windows Form Navigation in F#
9/28/2013 4:43:38 PM.
In this article you'll see how to create a Windows Forms form at run time and how to navigate from one Windows Forms form to form.
Getting Started With TabControl in F#
9/27/2013 6:17:33 PM.
This article explains the TabControl class, the Tabpage property and how to add the TabControl class to a Windows Forms form.
How to Validate a TextBox Control in F#
9/27/2013 10:42:38 AM.
This article shows how to validate a user control in a Windows Forms application.
Introduction To F# Interactive in Visual Studio 2013 RC
9/26/2013 7:24:53 PM.
In this article I am introducing the latest feature in F# i.e. F# Interactive released with Visual Studio 2013 Release Candidate.
Data Retrieval From Database In F#
9/21/2013 5:58:18 PM.
This article shows how to fetch the records from the database to a Windows Forms application.
Getting Started With Inherit Keyword in F# Console Application
9/17/2013 6:09:41 PM.
This article explains the use of the inherit keyword in inheritance using F# console application, the features of "inherit" and how the inherit keywod works in F#.
Connectivity With Database In Windows Forms Application Using F#
9/13/2013 8:17:51 PM.
This article explains how to work with Windows Forms applications in F#, how to connect with a SQL Server database from the Windows Forms application and how to add user controls in the Windows Forms application.
Getting Started With F# in Visual Studio 2012
9/8/2013 4:53:01 PM.
This article describes F# and various arithmetic operations that can be performed on two numbers in F#.
New Imrovements in Visual Studio 2013 Preview
7/23/2013 11:42:51 PM.
In this article I am introducing the technology improvements or fixed issues in Visual Studio 2013 Preview.
New Features in F#
7/22/2013 5:08:43 PM.
This article describes the updates and new features in the new version of F#.
Compiling The First F# Program Using Interactive Mode
10/5/2012 8:27:22 AM.
In this tutorial we will compile the first F# program using the interactive mode. There are lot of talks going on regarding F# , just thought how about compiling the first program using interactive F# mode.
F# Types and the Forward Pipe Operator
9/30/2012 5:39:45 AM.
Looking at F# Types (Especially Functions) and the Forward-Pipe Operator.
Writing Equivalent LINQ Expressions in F#
5/15/2012 1:23:50 PM.
In this article we will compare LINQ expressions to the equivalent F# expressions for an F# List and show how to use projection, filtering, and other LINQ goodies in F#.
Ballgame in F# using Silverlight and WPF
5/15/2012 1:16:25 PM.
This article is a demonstration regarding how to develop a Ballgame in F# using WPF and Silverlight.
Executing DML Commands in F#
5/15/2012 1:01:23 PM.
This article demonstrates saving, searching, updating and deleting record in F# application.
How to Display Different Window Styles in WPF Using F#
5/15/2012 12:58:10 PM.
This article is a demonstration regarding how to change the Style of the window in WPF using F#. Take a quick review to learn.
How to Create form and Controls in Silverlight Using F#
5/15/2012 12:54:04 PM.
This article is a demonstration regarding how you can create a form and add different controls on that form with one example of IQ computation.Take a quick review to learn.
How to Create a Web Application in Silverlight Using F#
5/15/2012 12:53:42 PM.
This article is a complete step by step process regarding how you can create a web application in Silverlight using F#. Take a quick review to learn.
Data Types in F#
5/13/2012 6:27:17 AM.
In this article you will learn about the mutable and immutable data types of F#. If you want to understand that then take a Quick review.
Getting Started With F#
5/13/2012 5:46:22 AM.
This article is an introduction to F#, including basic points and an example for learning F#. If you want to learn F# take a quick review.
Essential Concepts And Tools For Learning F#
5/13/2012 5:40:50 AM.
This article contains basic concepts and tools essential for learning F#. If you want to learn F#, do so with this.
The Concept of Functions And Variables in F#
5/13/2012 5:36:38 AM.
In this article you will learn about Functions and Variables of F#. This is for the people who want to have a Quick Review.
Imperative Control Statements in F#
5/13/2012 5:35:58 AM.
In this article you will learn about F# Imperative control statements which includes if-then, elif, else and looping statements. The people who want to learn F# can have a quick review.
Concept of Arrays in F#
5/13/2012 5:34:08 AM.
In this article you will learn about F# Array, Multidimensional Array and how to define, create, reference and set values to an Array. The people who want to learn can take a quick review.
Type Inference in F#
5/13/2012 5:31:54 AM.
This article is a demonstration of Type Inference In F#. The people who want to learn F# can take a quick review.
F# Tuples and Binding (and more Binding)
5/13/2012 5:31:13 AM.
Binding in F# is similar to using variables in C# but there are some big differences. This article discusses one of the most used keywords in F# for binding ("let") and how it is different than setting a C# variable. I also cover the tuple F# data structure.
Lists in F#
5/13/2012 5:27:21 AM.
This article is a demonstration regarding List in F# and also about List Types, List module functions and examples, Have a quick review to learn.
Types of Operators in F#
5/13/2012 5:25:23 AM.
This article demonstrates operators; Infix operators, Prefix operators and types of operators. Have a quick review for learning operators.
Understanding Recursion in F#
5/13/2012 5:23:46 AM.
This article is a demonstration regarding Recursion and its types like Tail Recursion, Anonymous and Mutual Recursion. Take a quick review to learn.
How to Change The Background Color of a Form in a Button Click in F#
5/13/2012 5:16:11 AM.
This article is a demonstration regarding a F# Windows Forms application of how to change a background color of a form in a Button click in F#. Have a quick review to learn.
ListBoxes in F#
5/13/2012 5:13:46 AM.
This article is a demonstration of ListBoxes and how to add items to a ListBox in F#. Have a quick review to learn.
TextBox And Button Control in F#
5/13/2012 5:11:57 AM.
This article is a demonstration of TextBox and Button controls in F#. Here both controls are used for the implementation of a Book Song Example. Have a quick review to learn.
WebBrowser Control in F#
5/13/2012 5:06:49 AM.
This article is a demonstration of the WebBrowser control and its properties in F#. Have a quick review to learn.
TreeView Control in F#
5/13/2012 5:06:00 AM.
This article is a demonstration of the TreeView control and its properties in F#. Take a quick review to Learn.
How to Draw Tree Structure in F#
5/13/2012 5:03:42 AM.
This article is a demonstration regarding the implementation of Tree in F# using different functions and constants. Take a review to learn.
Working With Forms Classes in F#
5/13/2012 5:02:54 AM.
This article is a demonstration regarding Forms classes in F#. Take a quick review to learn.