Angular Features (1) --- Data Binding: Data Transfer inside Component

Note: This article is published on 12/07/2024.

This series of articles will discuss the major feafures for Angular. The way to discuss could be AI in concept + Code Demo in StackBlitz | Instant Dev


Note (after writing this article):

Since the concept of data binding discussed here is with similar or same mechanizm or funcationality as view variable does in MVC module, say

  • in MVC module, View Variables transfer data between Controller (code) and View, while
  • in Angular, Data Binding mainly transfer data between TypyScript (code) and HTML Template.

therefore, I put the other article series of View Variables in ASP.NET MVC here as references and this article is also listed there, named as  Data Binding in Angular 

A - Introduction

Angular is a component based platform and all components make up the application. The major mechanizim for Angular is the data trasferting, either within a component or between (among) components. This article will discuss the data transfer in Angular within a component.

The content of this article:

  • A - Introduction
  • B - Data Binding --- from AI
  • C - Angular Data Binding --- from AI
  • D - Type of Data Binding
  • E - Code Demo --- in

B - Data Binding --- from AI

data binding - Google Search

C - Angular Data Binding --- from AI

data binding angular - Google Search

D - Type of Data Binding


E - Code Demo --- in

You can see the vivid code from here:

