Noida Chapter
Live Show

Azure ML Orchestration And Deployment - AI42

Rohit Tomar Noida Chapter

Join us on December 15 for the next episode of AI42 with Leila Etaati on "Azure ML Orchestration And Deployment".

Session info:

There is always a challenge to create a DevOps solution for machine learning projects. In this session, an overview of the machine learning process will be delivered. Using Pipeline creates a workflow with speed, portability, and reusability, and we can focus on machine learning instead of infrastructure and automation. In this session, we learned how to create a Pipeline in three main authoring environments ( Azure ML designer, Automated ML, and Notebook) and use the created REST API in a project.


  • Welcome
  • Azure ML Orchestration And Deployment
  • Q&A


Leila is Microsoft AI and Data Platforms MVP since 2016, and she was the first AI MVP in New Zealand and Australia. Leila has a Ph.D. in Information Systems from the University of Auckland.

Leila is the co-director and data scientist in RADACAD Company with many clients around the world. She is one of the bloggers of RADACAD, with 800 articles and more than 9 million readers around the globe annually. Leila is the co-organizer of Microsoft Business Intelligence and Power BI Use group (Auckland meetup from 2021), SQL Saturday Auckland (from 2015 till now), Difinity Conference ( from 2017 till now), Auckland AI global community (from 2018 till now).


Chapter Leader

Stephen Simon

RD for C# Corner (India & Asia Pacific Region)

Live Show Details
