automatically script out job

Apr 6 2010 5:06 PM
I have 2 sql servers. Server-A and Server-B. I have couple of jobs getting created/modified on Server-A. I need to replicate those changes to server-B. I have a sql query (Select name from msdb.dbo.sysjobs) that find out what changes needs to replicate. now the problem is how to script out these jobs and take them to server-B ?
  The link below says how this is possible in C# or VB

But I have no idea about VB or C#. How can I use this query inside VB or C# and capture the results of this query and get jobs names, then put this job names in some variables and pass this to the code in above link and it will create a script for me ?  after the script gets created I will copy that file to different server and execute over there. Please help me achive this or suggest me about how to do programming in these languages.

Thanks a lot.