jacob Kukuk

jacob Kukuk

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C# Return Type

Aug 2 2009 8:40 PM
Having issues with a error message of Method must have a return type. The script below is the script where it fails at. I looked for return types and tryed return null but that dosent work :-/ So since my head hurts now any suggestions? TY in advance. The red is where it errors out at.

 public class Global_Proccess
public static proccess()

HtmlDocument mycspdoc = mycsp_browse.Document;

HtmlElement Username_Enter = mycspdoc.GetElementById("userid");
Username_Enter.SetAttribute("value", usernm_g);

HtmlElement Password_Enter = mycspdoc.GetElementById("password");
Password_Enter.SetAttribute("value", passwd_g);
return null;

public static void Main(string usernm, string passwd)
usernm_g = usernm;
passwd_g = passwd;


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