warning restore CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously
{ ClaimsPrincipal principal = Request.GetRequestContext().Principal as ClaimsPrincipal; Int32 LogedInID = Convert.ToInt32(principal.Claims.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Type == "LogedInID").Value); ReleaseNoteViewModel Releasenote = new ReleaseNoteViewModel(); try { Releasenote.ReleaseVersionTypeView = db.ReleaseVersions.AsNoTracking().Where(x => x.ReleaseVersionID == ID).OrderBy(x => x.ReleaseVersionName).Select(x => new ReleaseVersionModel { ReleaseVersionID = x.ReleaseVersionID, ReleaseVersionName = x.ReleaseVersionName, IsCurrentVersion = x.IsCurrentVersion, ReleaseUserTypeView = db.UserTypes.OrderBy(ka => ka.UserTypeName).Select(ka => new UserTypeModel { UserTypeID = ka.UserTypeID, UserTypeName = ka.UserTypeName, //CreatedBy = ka.CreatedBy, //CreatedDate = ka.CreatedDate, //ModifiedBy = ka.ModifiedBy, //ModifiedDate = ka.ModifiedDate, ReleaseItemTypeView = db.ReleaseItemTypes.OrderBy(t => t.ReleaseItemTypeName).Select(t => new ReleaseItemModel { ReleaseItemTypeID = t.ReleaseItemTypeID, ReleaseItemTypeNote = t.ReleaseItemTypeName, ReleaseNoteTypeView = db.ReleaseNotes.Where(d => d.ReleaseVersionID == ID).OrderBy(a => a.ReleaseNoteDescription).Select(a => new ReleaseNotesModel { ReleaseNoteID = a.ReleaseNoteID, ReleaseNoteDescription = a.ReleaseNoteDescription, ReleaseVersionID = a.ReleaseVersionID, ReleaseItemTypeID = a.ReleaseItemTypeID, UserTypeID = a.UserTypeID }).ToList < ReleaseNotesModel > () }).ToList < ReleaseItemModel > () }).ToList < UserTypeModel > () }).ToList < ReleaseVersionModel > (); } catch (Exception ex) { Global.InsertException(ex); } return Ok(Releasenote); }
basically my response should be like this
releaseeData = [ { version: 'v5.1.1', adjPortal: { Enhancements: [{ heading: 'Profile', data: 'Adjusters no longer have the capability to update address on Profile. Must contact Manager or Resource Team staff for any updates. ' }], newFeature: [] }, staffApp: { Enhancements: [{ heading: 'CMS Profile Creation', data: 'Adjuster’s CMS Profile and Branch Add to the CMS Profile automation will now go forward be triggered when assignment is added (instead of check-in approval)' }, { heading: 'Commission Assignments', data: 'An issue was resolved that was causing delays in the compensation for commission-based adjusters if/when billing was entered post-assignment dates. A grace period (35 days). Compensation is still done on a weekly basis – work needs to be input before Friday to be calculated in payroll.' }, { heading: 'Admin', data: 'Enhancements to the Expenses permission when accessed from adjuster profile. }], newFeature: [] }, clintPortal: null }, { version: 'v5.1', adjPortal: {}, staff: { Enhancements: [{ heading: 'Update Activity', data: 'A system generated activity note will be added on the adjuster’s profile if/when the Employee Number is updated by a staff user. ', }, { heading: 'Check-Out Questions', data: 'When performing a check-out approval, both staff and Team Manager must have the ability to respond to the questions with a Yes, No or NA option choices. ', }, { heading: 'Performance Survey', data: 'Staff users must have the ability to view the adjuster’s performance survey, post submission by the Team Manager', }, { heading: 'Active CAT Report (Dashboard)', data: 'UI Enhancements for the Graph view. Graph visibility has been enhanced to occupy the full width of the page for better visibility.', }, { heading: 'Hire Date', data: 'taff now have the capability to view/update adjuster’s Hire Date on the Profile using the mobile apps (iOS & Android).', }, { heading: 'Timesheet Push', data: 'Additional validations have been added to prevent duplicate timesheet push (2 open tabs with same user and two different users approving the same timecard) to Bolton. ', } ], Feature: [{ }] }, client: null }, ]