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red man

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child form shows menustrip when automatically merging with MDI parent form

Feb 10 2007 10:30 PM
In my windows app I have a MDI parent form and a child form. In my parent form i have Menustrip control with toolstripmenu items File and windows File further has subItems open and exit In child form i have a Menustrip with toolstipmenu item File. This File item has a subItem save and fileItem has the following setting fileItem.MergeAction = MergeAction.MatchOnly; Now automatic merging of the child and parent forms is going rightly after merging my Parent form menustrip has this File with subitems ---open ,save and exit But the problem is my child form is also showing a menustrip with File Item. However it doesnt show save subitem of the File, which is rightly merged to parent File item. I dont understand why the File Item is being shown in the child form. The child form is not supposed to show any menustrip as everything from child form is automatically merged to the parent forms menustrip. Any help is appreciated, yojimbo

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