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ComboBox BUG??!!?

Nov 11 2009 5:30 AM
Hello. The problem is this: I have two tables: Requirements(ID_doc, Name_doc, ID_DeliveryType) and DeliveryTypeCodeList(ID_DeliveryType, DeliveryType_doc). I put the form fields from the table 'Requirements' where the column 'ID_DeliveryType' is ComboBox type-a. For ComboBox DataSource I put table 'DeliveryTypeCodeList' where column 'DeliveryType_doc' is DisplayMember and column 'ID_DeliveryType' column is ValueMemeber. My wish now is that when I run the program, in the ComboBox it print (descriptive)values from the column 'DeliveryType_doc' (mail, fax, post)! But it just does not happen?!??? If you have time, there is also the source code of the program: http://rapidshare.com/files/305140006/BugComboBox.rar or if you want you can see the video where I show that I have tried all combinations: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VK-c39eL-4 THANK YOU!