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Dynamic drop down list with SelectedIndexChanged Event....

Sep 28 2012 6:11 AM

Hello EveryOne...
I have to do the following task...
Their is one textbox and button.. On button click do the following task...

"Task : 1 Accept the item in TxtItem in
comma seperated values like
(Apple, Mango, Orange etc.). Store that
item in array object (objArray) in acending order."

"Task : 2 Create the object of the
dropdown list objDropDwon on runtime and fill its items from objArray."

"Task : 3 Create server side table and
add rows on runtime."

"Task : 4 Add objDropDown to the
each row of the table."

Task: 5 Handle Selected index changed event. Display the current selected name on screen

Please Help me..

Answers (2)