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Apr 12 2004 12:33 PM
To: Mahesh Chand... pls check ur email notification .. it's not working properly.. i mean the link it's sending for showing the post it's not working.. normally we're getting a email like this for a thred reply.. the link it's sending is not working.. pls check .. --------------------------------------------------------------------- At 4/12/2004 12:25:53 PM a message was posted to a thread you were tracking. -------------------------- Re: displaying stpred images in image control by ludmal the image u stored in SQL server in binary or just the image file name as text.??? -------------------------- To view the complete thread and reply, please visit: You were sent this email because you opted to receive email notifications when someone responded to this thread. To unsubscribe to this thread either: 1. Visit the above URL and uncheck 'Email me when someone replies...' 2. Visit your user profile page and uncheck 'Enable email tracking' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------