Astika Jadhav

Astika Jadhav

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error occur in serial key validation during installation

Feb 14 2011 5:06 AM
I create the setup with the serial key & for validation of the key i have written  function for validation.
i have all .dll & msi.lib
but i got the error as:
error : unresolved external symbol &quot;unsigned int __stdcall MsiSetPropertyW(unsigned long,wchar_t const *,wchar_t const *)&quot; (?MsiSetPropertyW@@YGIKPB_W0@Z) referenced in function &quot;unsigned int __stdcall VerifyPID(unsigned long)&quot; (?VerifyPID@@YGIK@Z) testdll.obj testdll</pre>

so how can i solve the problem?

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