Flicker problem in simple directdraw animation

Apr 5 2005 7:11 AM
i've managed to put together the piece of code below and my aim was to create few moving objects on colorful background. the code works very slowly and picture flickers a lot and as i am very beginner in directx and c# i know i am missing something and douing some horrible mistake either with flags setting or some other silly thing. the code is below and i would appreciate if something would point out how to fix the problem and make the animation smooth. thx in advance ;) private void InitDirectDraw() { SurfaceDescription desc = new SurfaceDescription(); // Describes a surface. draw = new Device(); // Create a new DirectDrawDevice. draw.SetCooperativeLevel(this, CooperativeLevelFlags.FullscreenExclusive); // Set the cooperative level. draw.SetDisplayMode(widthScreen, heightScreen, 32, 0, false); // Set the display mode width and height, and 16 bit color depth. desc.SurfaceCaps.PrimarySurface = desc.SurfaceCaps.Flip = desc.SurfaceCaps.Complex = true; // Capabilities of the surface. desc.BackBufferCount = 1; // Create 1 backbuffer. front = new Surface(desc, draw); // Create the surface using the description above. desc.Clear(); // Clear out the SurfaceDescription structure. desc.SurfaceCaps.BackBuffer = true; back = front.GetAttachedSurface(desc.SurfaceCaps); // Get the attached surface that matches the caps, which will be the backbuffer. desc.Clear(); // Clear out the SurfaceDescription structure. desc.SurfaceCaps.OffScreenPlain = true; ColorKey ck=new ColorKey(); ck.ColorSpaceHighValue = 10066329;//RGB(153, 153, 153); ck.ColorSpaceLowValue = 10066329; //RGB(153, 153, 153); desc.Height=34; desc.Width=34; surfaceAnimation = new Surface("C:/C++/VisualStudio/Project/Images/ball_blue.bmp", desc, draw); surfaceAnimation.SetColorKey(ColorKeyFlags.SourceDraw, ck); //set the color key for the surface // background surface desc.Clear(); SurfaceDescription desc2=new SurfaceDescription(); desc2.SurfaceCaps.OffScreenPlain=true; desc2.Height=480; desc2.Width=640; surfaceAnimation2 = new Surface("C:/C++/VisualStudio/Project/Images/background1.bmp", desc2, draw); } public void drawdx() { for(int x=0,y=0;x<100;x++,y++) { back.ColorFill(0); back.DrawFast(0,0, surfaceAnimation2, new Rectangle(0,0,640,480), DrawFastFlags.Wait); back.DrawFast(x,y,surfaceAnimation, new Rectangle(0,0,34,34),DrawFastFlags.SourceColorKey | DrawFastFlags.Wait); front.Flip(back, FlipFlags.Wait); } }