Gcobani Mkontwana

Gcobani Mkontwana

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How to create @Html.TextAreaFor in c# asp.net mvc?

Sep 16 2020 8:20 AM
Hi Team
I have created TextAreaFor but the problem is not showing off well and need some help around it. Here is my logic.
  1. // Model  
  2. public string eNtsaTextAreaDisc { getset; }  
  1. // View  
  2. <div class="col-sm-12">  
  3. @Html.TextAreaFor(m=>m.eNtsaAdmin.eNtsaTextAreaDisc, new {@class = "form-control"})  
  4. </div>  
The output is as below, any better idea towards div col-sm-12?

Answers (3)