ahmed salah

ahmed salah

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How to generate Classes and sub Classes list of check box razor page ?

Feb 21 2024 12:42 AM

I work on asp.net  core razor pages . i face issue i can't generate classes and subclasses view and action for class and subclass

so my secnario is 

click button will load classes list with checkbox beside every class and status will be unchecked

when user select any class from classes list then it will display sub classes list  related to class id selected from first list class

with checkbox beside every sub class using jquery ajax

my desired result will be 

my classes csharp as below 

public string ClassItems
public int ItemClassId {get;set;}
public string ItemClassName {get;set;}

public string SubClassItems
public int ItemSubClassId {get;set;}
public string ItemSubClassName {get;set;}
public int ItemClassId {get;set;}

so what i write on InventoryClasses page model to implement logic above


 public class InterntoryClassItemsModel : PageModel



@using System.Data;
@model UC.ADC.Host.Pages.Assets.InterntoryClassItemsModel

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