Sajin Aboo

Sajin Aboo

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How to make a dynamic chart into a responsive one.

Nov 19 2015 6:42 AM
I am using asp:chart for chart view... I am binding the chart values from a datalist based on onCommand of the datalist... The design is basic HTML with CSS styling... I have already made all other parts of the page responsive... Only the chart view remains the same. If you want I cant post a piece of the code that is used for chart view... I tried downloading Chart.js plugin but I can't find a legitimate source...
The code for the chart is given below...
<asp:Chart ID="ZoneSalesChart" runat="server" ImageStorageMode="UseImageLocation"
ImageLocation="~//Charts/Zone_#SEQ(30,3)" ImageType="Png" Width="950px" BackHatchStyle="None" >
<asp:Series Name="Series1" >
<asp:ChartArea Name="ChartArea1" BackColor="Transparent" >
<AxisX ></AxisX>

Answers (2)