Rahul Mittal

Rahul Mittal

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List Doesn't Working in asp.net mvc4

Jan 29 2017 5:28 AM
Error Type:
There is no ViewData item of type 'IEnumerable<SelectListItem>' that has the key 'Course_ID'.
Hi Everyone i am facing a problem as above using asp.net MVC4 technology.
public ActionResult Register(int id)
    Student_Mgt student = new Student_Mgt(); 
   IEnumerable<SelectListItem> list = new SelectList(db.Courses.ToList(), "Course_ID",    "Course_Name");
   ViewBag.SelectCourses = list;
   return View(student);
public ActionResult RegisterPost(Student_Mgt Student)
   if (ModelState.IsValid)
      return RedirectToAction("List_Enquiries", "Main");
      return View();
@Html.DropDownListFor(m=>m.Course_ID,ViewBag.SelectCourses as IEnumerable<SelectListItem>, "Select Course" ,new {@id="courses",@class="form-control"}) 

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