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MDI application problem...

Nov 19 2006 1:54 AM

I am developing a MDI application. In this application on click of some menu items I have to display some forms(say MenuForm1, MenuForm2, MenuForm3) with some data. But at the same time I want one form(say BackGroundForm) which is a child form of my MDI application should be active in the background of the form which gets displayed on click of some menu items.
If I declare those forms(MenuForm1, MenuForm2, MenuForm3) as child & if I pop them up using ‘show’ then for 1st time they are visible in my application but next time if I click that menu item then they are not visible. Same problem I’m facing if I don’t make them as child of my MDI & pop them up using ‘ShowDialog’. I am hiding forms(MenuForm1, MenuForm2, MenuForm3) on click of a button which i placed on same forms(MenuForm1, MenuForm2, MenuForm3).
I want that ‘BackGroundForm’ in my application because I want to put some button controls on one form & that form should be active all the time until the application is running. So I had put some buttons in this BackGroundForm & I cant put buttons on MDI parent form .
How I can solve this problem in my MDI application…?

Thanks in advance,

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