Arpit gupta

Arpit gupta

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Problem using timer control in datalist

Aug 7 2010 8:23 AM
Hi all

I have used timer control in datalist in my web application . i bind all fields as below

 <asp:DataList ID="PrdDataList" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"
                    RepeatColumns="5" Width="656px" DataKeyField="id"
                        <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="box2">
                                <td class="hd">
                                    <span>Auction</span><asp:label ID="lblid" runat="server" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "id")%>'></asp:label>
                                            <asp:Label ID="lblTimeWatch" runat="server"
                                                    style="color:#68b121; font-weight: 700;      font-size: 26px" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "TimeDiff")%>'>  </asp:Label>
                          <asp:Timer ID="BidTimer" runat="server"  ontick="BidTimer_Tick">
                                           <input id="mseconds" runat="server" type="hidden" />
                                           <input id="second" runat="server" type="hidden" />
                                           <input id="minute" type="hidden"  runat="server" />
                                           <input id="hour" type="hidden"  runat="server" />
                                             <input id="day" type="hidden" runat="server" />
                                            <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel3" runat="server">
                                               <h1><img alt="rs" src="image/canvas.PNG" />&nbsp;
                                                      <asp:Label ID="lblbidprice" Text="0.50" runat="server" ></asp:Label></h1>
                                            <b>Buy Now:</b>
                                            <span><img alt="rs" src="image/canvas.PNG" /></span>
                                             <%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"Price") %>

                                                    <td class="gray" id="tdbidder" runat="server" style="padding-left:20px">
                                                        <asp:DataList ID="dlbidder" runat="server"  GridLines="None">
                                                                <%#Eval("UserId") %>
                                        <td >
                                            <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel2" runat="server">
                                                    <asp:ImageButton ID="btnBid" runat="server" CommandName="BidClick"
                                                        ImageUrl="~/images/btn_bid.jpg" onclick="btnBid_Click" ></asp:ImageButton>        
                                                    <%--<asp:Button id="btnBid" style="background-color:#33CC33"  Text="Bid" runat="server" onclick="btnBid_Click" /> --%>


I bind the data list at page load. But the timer start only with the last template created. The 'timeDiff" is exact difference between timer starttime and currentdatetime. The code is here:

        protected void BidTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
         void PerformClock()
            foreach (DataListItem dlitem in PrdDataList.Items)
                lblid = (Label)dlitem.FindControl("lblid");
                auc_id = Convert.ToInt32(lblid.Text);
                BidTimer = (Timer)dlitem.FindControl("BidTimer");
                mseconds = (HtmlInputHidden)dlitem.FindControl("mseconds");
                second = (HtmlInputHidden)dlitem.FindControl("second");
                minute = (HtmlInputHidden)dlitem.FindControl("minute");
                hour = (HtmlInputHidden)dlitem.FindControl("hour");
                day = (HtmlInputHidden)dlitem.FindControl("day");
                lblTimeWatch = (Label)dlitem.FindControl("lblTimeWatch");
                btnBid = (ImageButton)dlitem.FindControl("btnBid"); 

            MilliSeconds = Convert.ToInt32(mseconds.Value);
            Seconds = Convert.ToInt32(second.Value);
            Minutes = Convert.ToInt32(minute.Value);
            Hours = Convert.ToInt32(hour.Value);
            Days = Convert.ToInt32(day.Value);
            ds = AuctionDAL.retrieveAll();

            if (lblTimeWatch.Text == "01.00:01:00")
                lblTimeWatch.Text = "01.00:00:59:";
                Minutes = 0;
                Hours = 0;
                Seconds = 59;
                Days = 1;
            else if (lblTimeWatch.Text == "01.01:01:00")
                lblTimeWatch.Text = "01.01:00:59";
                Minutes = 0;
                Hours = 1;
                Seconds = 59;
                Days = 1;

            else if (lblTimeWatch.Text == "01.01:00:00")
                lblTimeWatch.Text = "01.00:59:59";
                Days = 1;
                Hours = 0;
                Minutes = 59;
                Seconds = 59;
            else if (lblTimeWatch.Text == "01.00:00:00")
                lblTimeWatch.Text = "00.59:59:59";
                Days = 0;
                Hours = 59;
                Minutes = 59;
                Seconds = 59;

            else if (lblTimeWatch.Text == "00:00:00")
                DataSet dsbid = new DataSet();
                dsbid = BidDAL.retrieveBidData(auc_id);
                if (dsbid.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)

                    if (Seconds == -1)
                        lblTimeWatch.Text = "Go1";


                    lblTimeWatch.Text = "00:00:15";
                    Seconds = 15;
                    Minutes = 0;
                    Hours = 0;
                    MilliSeconds = 0;


            else if (lblTimeWatch.Text == "Go1")
                if (Seconds == -2)
                    lblTimeWatch.Text = "Go2";

            else if (lblTimeWatch.Text == "Go2")
                if (Seconds == -3)
                    lblTimeWatch.Text = "Go3";
            else if (lblTimeWatch.Text == "Go3")
                if (Seconds == -4)
                    BidTimer.Enabled = false;
                    lblTimeWatch.Text = "Sold";

                    //btnBid.Text= "BidEnd";
                    btnBid.Enabled = false;
            else if (lblTimeWatch.Text == "00:00:15")
                Minutes = 0;
                Hours = 0;
                MilliSeconds = 0;

            else if (lblTimeWatch.Text == "00:01:00")
                Minutes = 0;
                MilliSeconds = 0;
                Seconds = 59;
                Hours = 0;

                if (Seconds % 60 == 0)
                    MilliSeconds = 0;
                    Seconds = 59;

                    if (Minutes % 3600 == 0)
                        MilliSeconds = 0;
                        Seconds = 59;
                        Minutes = 59;

                        if (Hours % 86400 == 0)
                            Hours = 23;
                            MilliSeconds = 0;
                            Seconds = 59;
                            Minutes = 59;



            mseconds.Value = MilliSeconds.ToString();
            second.Value = Seconds.ToString();
            minute.Value = Minutes.ToString();
            hour.Value = Hours.ToString();
            day.Value = Days.ToString();

            if (Days > 0)
                lblTimeWatch.Text = Days.ToString("00") + "." + Hours.ToString("00") + ":" + Minutes.ToString("00") + ":" + Seconds.ToString("00");
                if (Seconds >= 0)
                    lblTimeWatch.Text = Hours.ToString("00") + ":" + Minutes.ToString("00") + ":" + Seconds.ToString("00");


Please help me so that i can successfully use timer in my web application.

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