sampath meka

sampath meka

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Regular Expressions

Mar 12 2014 5:03 AM
           Kindly help me i am stuck in the following expression...
string strTest = " (!(2VH_AKTIVLENKUNG_UND_HSR) + !(ALLRAD) + (B47D20 + G011, B47D20 + G012, B48B20 + G011, B48B20 + G012, B57D30 + G011, B57D30 + G012, B58B30 + G011, B58B30 + G012, G011 + N63B40, G012 + N63B40,)";
             string r = @"(?((?=.*\)))(?<=\)), |, )";
                foreach(string s in Regex.Split(strTest, r))
I am using the above expression kindly correct to make the above expression work
Expected Output:
B47D20 + G011 
B47D20 + G012
B48B20 + G011
B48B20 + G012
B57D30+  G011
B57D30+ G012
B58B30 + G011
B58B30 + G012
G011 + N63B40
G012 + N63B40

Answers (5)