Jani pekkala

Jani pekkala

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Security of frontend technologies.

Dec 1 2024 8:48 PM

Okey, sorry if this is an stupid question, i am a still student. I am studying as ans Software Engineer and i am making research project for my school. I've decided to díve deeper on React:JS and Blazor technologies.
The main research is here about security points and how these technologies handle security.  I know that when we are using api frontend applications they are merely similar, but theres some things what i wanted to make sure (still student).
In my opinion C technologies has better security thanks to class models, even Blazor being frontend mainly it has classes and i have this understanding that its more secure way to keep data in client session than cookies or contextAPI, not even question localstorage of sessionstorage.
React doesnt have any class model options.
If we are implementing higly secure REST API entity does these questions apply?

Thanks for advance and sorry for the possible stupid question.

Answers (2)