Sarathi Priyan

Sarathi Priyan

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state machine workflow (.net frame work 4.6.1)

May 27 2019 1:56 AM
Intialstate-leave request, next state-Pending, Pending have two options Approved and rejected if approved it goes final state.    if it Rejected it goes -Intialstate
this is my flow diagram.
my sample output : 
after runing this flow digram i want to form a json be like this .I have done the flow digram but i dont know how to form this type of json and how can i read the values from statemachine flow diagram can some one help me to reslove this issue ?
"Init": {
"event1": {
"nextstate": "Processing",
"action": "leaveRequest"
"Processing": {
"event2": {
"nextstate": "Pending",
"action": "processing_event"
"Pending": {
"event3": {
"nextstate": "Approved",
"action": "pending_event"
