Art C

Art C

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System.Printing functionality without referencing WPF framework

Dec 9 2024 5:42 PM


I'm translating a WPF program to MAUI as MAUI allows trimming and I need to optimize for file size in my single-file program. I have adapted everything I need so far, but it required referencing the WPF framework in order to gain access to the System.Printing library, specifically the PrintQueue and PrintServer object types. I'm assuming this essentially makes the whole process of translating to MAUI moot, as the final size of the executable is some 2MB larger than the WPF version (again, I'm assuming this is because of the reference to the WPF framework).

My question is this: Is there a way to get access to print queues and print servers in MAUI without using the WPF framework?

EDIT: This is an exclusively Windows-targetted app, BTW.

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