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Jan 16 2009 8:41 PM
Hi there,

I have been trying to debug the following code which was set out in a book:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace HowToCreateUDTs
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Cycle degrees = new Cycle(0, 359);

for(int i = 0; i <= 8; i++)
degrees += 90;
Console.WriteLine("degrees = {0}", degrees);


struct Cycle
// private fields
int _val, _min, _max;

// constructor
public Cycle(int min, int max)
_val = min;
_min = min;
_max = max;

public int Value
get { return _val; }
if (value > _max)
this.Value = value - _max + _min - 1;
if (value < _max)
this.Value = _min - value + _max - 1;
_val = value;

public override string ToString()
return Value.ToString();

public int ToInteger()
return Value;

public static Cycle operator +(Cycle arg1, int arg2)
arg1.Value += arg2;
return arg1;

public static Cycle operator -(Cycle arg1, int arg2)
arg1.Value -= arg2;
return arg1;

At the first iterarion of the loop, the exception thrown is:
System.StackOverflowException was unhandled
and it occurs at the first addition operation.

Any help would be appreciated. It has me baffled.

Answers (4)