Hind Najim

Hind Najim

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TextBox visibility

Sep 7 2013 3:01 AM

I have three CheckBoxes each on new line and I have also one TextBox
myTextbox is invisible by default and I need to make it visible if I checked one of the checkboxes, but I need it to be shown parallel to the checkBox that I select.

Example, if I select CheckBox2, then myTextBox will be shown parallel to that checkBox2 only.
Also, I don't want to create 3 textboxes since I need to use the myTextBox value as a parameter for another function later.

CheckBox1                 MyTextBox
CheckBox2                 MyTextBox
CheckBox3                 MyTextBox

Is it possible to achieve this?, I tried to use textbox.Top / textbox.Bottom but didn't work.

Answers (7)