Simon GL

Simon GL

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Web Browser Control - using InternetOpen session

Aug 9 2007 9:27 AM


I would appreciate it if anyone could help me with this. I'm pretty new to C#.

I'm trying to get a Web Browser Control to use the same internet session as an InternetOpen call that I've made.

The reason for this is that I want the browser session to bypass a proxy server. I have a 'handle' to a successful internet connection using InternetOpen (see below) and I want the Web Browser Control to use this for the session, but the control defaults to using the local proxy settings.

public bool Open()

{hInternet = InternetOpen("Test", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT, string.Empty, string.Empty, 0);

if (hInternet == IntPtr.Zero)

return false;


return true;


Incidentally InternetSetOption worked a little (and the browser control seemed to be affected by it) but it was no use because you have to list all the websites that are to bypass the proxy.



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