Sie Ste

Sie Ste

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web deployment

Mar 16 2012 3:30 PM
Isuse: best setup deployment method and considering IIS

I have some changes to setup/deploy  in a 2010 C#,net webforms application. My problem is the web application was written by a contract shop that went out of business. There are no install/deployment instructions that I can find in my small company. In fact I am the only 'programmer'  in my small company. Most of my .net expereince is using Visual in 2005 & 2008 for windows and console applications.

Thus since this is my first web setup\deployment project and working with IIS, I am wondering if you have suggestions that I should follow? If so can you tell me and/or point me to a reference that I can use?

If not, i will just go to the Microsoft website and follow what I consider is the 'best' url to use.

Answers (2)