Why base class object refers its own methods, although referring to memory address of child class

Aug 21 2009 2:29 AM

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
       class basecalss
        public  void virtual_method()
            Console.WriteLine("Virtual in baseclass");
    class derivedclass1 : basecalss
        public  void virtual_method()
            Console.WriteLine("Override in dervied class1");
    class implement_override 
        public static void Main()
            basecalss baseobj;
            derivedclass1 derobj1 = new derivedclass1();
            baseobj = derobj1;

Output is: Virtual in baseclass
As per the code,
Baseclass object refers child class object, assigned the memory address of Child class.
When we call above, why it calls method of baseclass, although it refers to memory location of child class. Obviously we have not used virtual/override concepts. Point is that if base refers memory address of child, it should not refer its own methods.

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