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  • Using .NET Collections With C#2/23/2022 9:57:04 AM. .NET offers a variety of collections such as ArrayList, Hashtable, queues, Dictionaries.
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  • HashMap Class in Java1/24/2020 4:05:27 PM. In this article you will learn about the HashMap class in java and its various methods using NetBeans IDE.
  • Introduction to Routing in React11/15/2019 12:44:32 AM. This article talks about routing in ReactJs, and how sub routing can be implemented as well.
  • How Various Java Collection Classes Work9/19/2019 12:46:57 AM. In this article we discuss working of various classes in Java collection.
  • Working With HashMap Class in Java9/13/2019 1:50:00 AM. In this article, we are going to describe the HasMap Class's functionality in Java.
  • HashSet In C#7/30/2019 3:12:17 PM. C# HashSet is a collection of unique elements. The .NET HashSet<T> class represents a hash set in C# and provides methods to add, remove, and find items, find subset, superset, union, and inters
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  • Hashing In ASP.NET Core 2.01/9/2018 10:41:29 AM. The new Data Protection API in .NET Core includes functionality to create hashes using PBKDF2algorithm. ASP.NET Core uses this behind the scenes in PasswordHasher class, which is used in ASP.NET Core
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  • Collections in C#8/5/2016 6:03:34 PM. Collection in C# is a must-know concept for every developer. This article is about Collections in C#.
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  • Hashing Passwords In .NET Core With Tips6/8/2016 12:11:08 AM. In this article you will learn about how to hash passwords in .NET Core with tips.
  • Theory Of Hashing And Hash Tables6/3/2016 1:47:40 PM. In this article, you will learn different things about Hashing and Hash Tables.
  • File Hash Comparison With MD5 And SHA14/3/2016 3:20:53 PM. In this article you will learn about File Hash Comparison with MD5 and SHA1.
  • Get Latest Video And Images From An Instagram Hashtag Using JQuery12/18/2015 7:38:02 AM. This article explains how we can get and show latest video and images along with other data of a particular Instagram Hashtag Using jQuery.
  • Password Encryption Using Salt Hashing In ASP.NET MVC12/11/2015 12:53:19 AM. This is a simple user registration page where we will be saving user password using Salted hashing and decrypt it on login.
  • Generating An MD5 Hash From A String Using LINQ10/27/2015 12:30:26 PM. In this article you will learn how to generate an MD5 Hash from a String Using LINQ.
  • Read Tweet From A Particular Hashtag In ASP.NET10/7/2015 12:45:36 AM. In this article we will learn how to fetch data from Twitter of a particular Hashtag using TweetSharp API in ASP.NET.
  • Simple Login Form Using MD5 Hash Algorithm9/14/2015 7:09:22 AM. In this article, I will show how to create a login form using MD5 hash algorithm.
  • How a Search Engine Works8/24/2015 12:34:41 AM. In this article, I will try to explain search engines and how they work. I will explain the main parts/points for building a search engine.
  • Introduction To Hashing and the HashTable Class: Part 35/18/2015 2:18:55 PM. In this article, you will learn Hashing and the HashTable class in C# .NET.
  • Introduction To Hashing and the HashTable Class: Part 25/10/2015 7:02:16 PM. In this article you will learn about Hashing and the HashTable class in C# .NET.
  • Introduction To Hashing and the HashTable Class: Part 15/5/2015 3:54:51 PM. In this article you will learn about Hashing and the HashTable class in C# .NET.
  • Change the MD5 Hashed Password of a Valid User8/28/2014 2:39:37 PM. This article shows how to change the hashed password of the valid user through its user id, which is saved in a database.
  • Hashing Overview in PHP6/25/2014 12:24:29 PM. We will learn what is the significance of a hash for a secure password in PHP.
  • Dictionaries and Hash Table in C#4/1/2014 3:23:06 PM. This article explains the concept of dictionaries in C#, from the basics to the level afterwards I'll explain the concept of types of dictionaries and the concept of a hash table and it's related useful operations with their respective example.
  • Implementation of Router and URL Hash in Backbone.js1/27/2014 4:24:56 PM. In this article you will learn about the router hashing techniques. In this tutorial we will create a table of, and generates numbers link. When we click on the link then the related number will be focus.
  • Secure WS in VB.NET12/1/2012 3:51:52 AM. This code covers the .NET (VB) implementation of the security of web services using the Microsoft “The Favorites Service” security modified schema.
  • Hash Password Generator in VB.NET11/10/2012 2:23:30 AM. This visual tool generates the hashed password using either SHA1 or MD5 hashing algorithm depending on the choice you make. It will display the hashed password in the read only text box, it can also copy the hashed password to clipboard on your choice for easy paste operation.
  • Introduction to Parametric Singleton Pattern10/4/2012 11:55:17 AM. This article explains about Parametric Singleton Pattern.
  • Developing Secure Web Site with ASP.NET and IIS: PartII10/3/2012 11:09:36 AM. Authentication is a very important element of developing secure sites. It is the starting point of a secure environment for the protected resources. I have discussed several authentication mechanisms available in ASP.NET and how they join with IIS to provide a secure platform to develop sites in Part I of this article. I will be looking at Form Authentication and how to implement it in several sample web applications.
  • Cryptography in Microsoft.NET Part I: Encryption10/3/2012 9:41:46 AM. Microsoft .NET has pre-built solutions to all of these in each application domain, viz., ASP. NET, Web Services, Serviced Component etc. It enables building secured application by simple configuration as in ASP.NET to full fledged programmable security as in code access security and Cryptography.
  • Data Access Layer based on dataSets9/30/2012 4:38:18 AM. This article aims to introduce the reader to several conceptual problems encountered in the development of a generic Data Access Layer (from now on referred to as DAL).
  • Implementation of MD-5 9/29/2012 8:37:17 AM. Describing, how can we implement MD5 and how it works and what is purpose of Hash algorithm.
  • Using Genetic Algorithms to come up with Sudoku Puzzles9/23/2012 6:48:32 AM. Sudoku is a new type of puzzle from Japan that will keep you entertained for a time and may even get you hooked. This article demonstrates how to generate a fully populated Sudoku grid using genetic algorithms.
  • Securing Your ASP.NET Web Applications 5/20/2012 12:56:33 AM. Web application security is not just about attackers hacking websites, stealing sensitive information from websites, sending high traffic to websites with denial of service attacks, viruses, worms and Trojan horses. Are these are the only problems that we have? The answer is no. There are other problems that are frequently overlooked.
  • Cryptography in .NET5/13/2012 3:07:25 AM. This article gives a brief overview of Cryptography and the Cryptography support provided by the .NET Framework. I begin by introducing Cryptography and then proceed to examine the various types of it. In particular, I review and analyze the various cryptography algorithms and objects supported by .NET. I conclude after proposing and briefly discussing the algorithmic technique that would work best for you.
  • Compare two files with Hash Algorithm4/16/2010 12:40:35 AM. This article shows you how to compare two files using Hash Algorithm.
  • Cryptography in Asp.net9/7/2007 4:28:07 AM. This article explains what is Cryptography? Why it is needed? and the types of Cryptography.
  • Shuffle Game for Beginners2/2/2006 5:24:45 AM. This code sample is a GDI+ shuffle game aimed for beginners. Attached zip file includes the exe and the Shuffle.cs file.
  • Marble Solitaire Solution Display in GDI+2/2/2006 12:49:57 AM. The application finds and displays solutions to a game of solitaire. The application was written using Visual Studio.NET Version 7.0.9254. The test suite was written using NUnit, which is a .NET port of JUnit.
  • Thread Safe Collections ArrayList and Queue1/27/2006 5:29:56 AM. The attached project provides a dll containing a wrapper around the non-thread safe ArrayList and Queue classes. The wrapper implements the most common functions of this collection elements.
  • Public Key Token Generation Algorithm12/16/2005 5:32:55 AM. The PublicKeyTokenGenerator class and a small utility that generates Public Key Token from the Public Key using that class.