M Nabas

M Nabas

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DIP + AI on c# -> plz help

Jun 25 2010 5:37 PM
Hello programmers :)

I'm new to the c# world as I only have c/c++ programming skills ... I needed a consultation for my graduation project ... any intervention is much appreciated :)

I'm thinking about a program that automatically obtains the results of a multiple-choice-exam (auto correction)... it takes scanned exam-paper, identifies the correct answer for every question and gives the overall result.

As I have no clue how to do this ... I was just thinking about topics from image processing and artificial intelligence ... I want my program to identify a certain shape (circle) -> a blank circle = no answer, a colored circle = answer ... and I want it to read and understand human hand-writing.

maybe edge detection and neural networks is the place to start ? I have no clue :( ... S.O.S PLZ.