Jasmine LYNN

Jasmine LYNN

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move the profile PB along the penlines inside the imagePB

Dec 23 2012 9:57 PM

Hello, I have created the profile of a 2D image. Now I want to move the picturebox ( which graphics the profile) along the penline inside the 2D image picturebox.

Thanks. and below is the codes that i have used.

public FrmProfile()


InitializeComponent();int xmid = pictureBox1.Width / 2;

xLines =new int[] { xmid };


private Pen pen1 = new Pen(Color.Blue,2);


private void pictureBox1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)

{bool yline = false;

pictureBox4.Cursor =




int xminDistance = int.MaxValue;

int xSelectedLineIndex = 0;

for (int u = 0; u < xLines.Length; u++)


int dist = Math.Abs(e.X - xLines[u]);



if (dist < xminDistance)


xminDistance = dist;

xSelectedLineIndex = u;



selectedLineIndex = xSelectedLineIndex;

yline = false;



void pictureBox1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)


bool yline = false;

pictureBox1.Cursor =



if ((MouseButtons & MouseButtons.Left) != MouseButtons.Left)


if (yline != true && e.X > 0 && e.X < 1534)

xLines[selectedLineIndex] = e.X;pictureBox1.Invalidate();



void pictureBox4_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)


foreach (int x in xLines)


e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen1, x, 0, x, pictureBox1.Height);

