Rahul Khanna

Rahul Khanna

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Need help in displaying information in tabular form.

Jan 9 2011 9:46 AM

Hi all,

Suppose in my SP there is one input paramter customerid, another output parameter xmloutput result which is output parameter. My requirement is I will pass customerid as input parameter, and stored procedure will produce customer details based on that customerid which will be stored in @xmloutput (output parameter). This part is done, getting the correct result. 

Now From C# I want to call this store procedure that method will return dataset type. For this I have followed the below steps but not getting exact result.

For example I got this xmloutput after running the SP:

<doc><Customer CustomerID="5"><CustomerName>cust 1</CustomerName><address><street>add</street></address><contact><email>[email protected]</email><phone>020021452</phone><fax>020</fax></contact>




From C# I want to get this output in tabular form. For this I have written this code in DAL layer.

public DataSet GetCustomerDetails (string custnumber)


        conn = "Connenction string goes here. "




      SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("GetXMLOutPut", conn);

            command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Cust_Number", custnumber);


            SqlParameter xmloutput = command.Parameters.Add("@XML_Output", SqlDbType.NVarChar,2000);

            xmloutput.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

            SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command);

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            adapter.Fill(ds, "Customer");

            return ds;         



        catch(Exception )






But when I am trying to call this method from presentation layer and trying to displaying this in gridview I am not getting the result tabular form. Its just displaying the xmloutput result in the form of xml file. How can I display this info in tabular form. Any help pls???

What I should change in DAL layer method or somewhere????



Presentation layer code: 

DALClass obj = new DALClass ();

        string custnumber = txtCustNo.Text;

        DataSet ds = obj.GetCustomerDetails(custnumber);

        GridView1.DataSource = ds;

        GridView1.DataMember = "Customer";


While I am calling this method from presentation layer I am getting the output in the following form which is not expected. 


<doc><Customer CustomerID="5"><CustomerName>cust 1</CustomerName><address><street>add</street></address><contact>

<email>[email protected]</email><phone>020021452</phone><fax>020</fax></contact></Customer></doc>


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