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  • Leveraging Azure Tables with Azure Functions5/31/2024 8:30:59 AM. Azure Tables provide a NoSQL key-value store for rapid development using massive semi-structured datasets. They are part of Azure Storage and are designed for large-scale data storage and high-perform
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  • Understanding Func, Action, and Predicate in C# .NET5/21/2024 6:13:59 AM. In C# .NET, delegates are a powerful feature that allows you to pass methods as arguments to other methods. Among the most commonly used delegates are Func<T>, Action<T>, and Predicate<
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  • Prevent Function Call Repetition in ReactJS for Efficient Development5/20/2024 6:12:07 AM. In React, events follow two phases: capture and bubble. Capture phase descends from root to target, while bubble phase ascends. React allows specifying listeners for both phases, enhancing event contr
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