Mariusz Postol

Mariusz Postol

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Is static class a type?

Apr 7 2024 2:32 PM

A static class construct has unique characteristics that set it apart from regular (non-static) classes. A static class is defined using the `static` keyword. It can only contain static members (methods, fields, properties). Unlike non-static classes, a static class cannot be instantiated. You cannot create an instance of it using the `new` operator. Since there's no instance variable, you access the members of a static class directly using the class name itself. For example, if you have a static class named `UtilityClass` with a public static method called `MethodA`, you invoke it like this: `UtilityClass.MethodA();`. Unlike non-static classes, static classes cannot be inherited. A static constructor if present is called automatically before any member declared in that class is referenced. It ensures that necessary initialization occurs before any other code execution related to the static class.

I would appreciate confirmation that the static class should be recognized as a type except the class keword.

Answers (2)