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  • Abstract Class vs Interfaces In Object Oriented EcoSystem12/3/2015 12:05:41 AM. In this blog you will learn about the difference between Abstract class and Interface.
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  • Interfaces in C#4/13/2015 10:10:27 PM. This article explains interface in C#.
  • OWIN and Katana Interfaces of ASP.Net3/29/2015 3:11:33 PM. In this article, I will share what I have my learned about what O.W.I.N. and Katana are and will try to get into some basic details that are some important concept to be learned.
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  • Explicit Interfaces in C#1/8/2015 10:56:54 PM. In this article we will learn about explicit interface implementation.
  • What Interfaces in C# Are1/5/2015 1:29:56 PM. This article explains what interfaces in C# are.
  • Coding Better: Programming From the Outside In for Fluent Interfaces. Part II9/15/2014 7:21:09 AM. In this article we’ll cover building a Fluent Interface in order to write readable code that closely models spoken/written language.  In a previous article I discussed how we can be more efficient and write better code by developing from the outside-in.  Now we’ll look at a new trick to make this approach even more effective, the Fluent Interface and Method Chaining.
  • Coding Better: Programming From the Outside In for Fluent Interfaces. Part IV - A Real World Application9/15/2014 5:04:55 AM. In this article we'll look at building a fluent interface to abstract parameter assertions which gives us readable code that closely models spoken/written language. This will make code consuming our API contain less code debt and reduce the total cost of maintenance.
  • Coding Better: Programming From the Outside In for Fluent Interfaces. Part III9/15/2014 5:02:28 AM. In a previous article I demonstrated a coding approach that allows us to easily build a Fluent Interface.  In this article we'll pick up where I left off and develop a more sophisticated/complex structure.
  • Customize User Interfaces and Pass User Input to Installer Classes6/5/2014 8:16:07 AM. In this article I am going to demonstrate how to customize your MSI install to prompt the user for some information and then pass this information to an installer class. This can be useful when needing to do something during an install based on the user input.
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  • Using IComparable and IComparer to compare objects in VB.NET12/1/2012 2:39:59 AM. The .Net framework and especially the System.Collection namespace provides us two built in interfaces witch are IComparable and IComparer interfaces in order to compare two objects.
  • Understanding Structures in VB.NET11/10/2012 3:43:21 AM. A structure in VB.NET is simply a composite data type consisting of a number elements of other types.
  • Querying COM+ using Web Services in VB.NET11/10/2012 2:07:39 AM. The most COM+ common administrative tasks (creating a COM+ application, installing/deleting a component, setting a component attribute) can be accomplished manually with the Component Services administrative tool from Management Console. But there a few cases (installing the components or changing a component’s value on a regular basis) when it is necessary to have programmatic access to the COM+ applications, components and interfaces.
  • M.S. Visio Automation10/4/2012 9:23:38 AM. This article demonstrates the flexibility of Visio products as a development platform by describing the customized business solutions.
  • Building User Interfaces for Windows Phone 75/20/2012 7:15:33 AM. This article will cover some aspects that can help you style your UI controls in a Silverlight Windows Phone 7 Application
  • Microsoft .NET and XML5/20/2012 6:32:07 AM. In this article I will explain you about Microsoft .NET and XML.
  • Integrate Through Web Interfaces with C#5/20/2012 3:17:47 AM. This article proposes a way for integrating the enterprise applications through web interfaces. Since the web interfaces are widely available for many existing applications, the method may well reduce the cost of building an integration system with less time and get ride of the dependency on other resources.
  • Nemesis-7rc1 (Codename Deviate)5/19/2012 12:40:30 AM. Nemesis-7 is a full-screen 2D shoot’em up that makes use of the DirectInput, DirectSound and DirectDraw interfaces from DirectX. The player controls a spaceship which he uses to duel the computer opponent. I implemented some artificial intelligence to make the CPU play more human.
  • Coding Better: Using Classes vs. Interfaces5/15/2012 3:06:00 PM. Using the .NET framework we basically have two ways to provide abstraction for our code: Classes and Interfaces. This article will look at the use of each and cover some things to consider when choosing between them in different situations.
  • Creating Extensible and Abstract Layer5/13/2012 5:56:45 AM. This article explains you about the abstraction and extensibility which is an important factor in modern day frameworks.
  • How and when to Use Interfaces like IComparable9/15/2010 11:17:34 PM. This article is targeted for the people who don't know how to use Interfaces .
  • GDI+ Namespaces and Classes in .NET10/29/2009 6:24:47 AM. In this article I will explain about GDI+ Namespaces and Classes in .NET
  • Interfaces + Factory pattern = Decoupled architecture6/30/2009 11:27:56 PM. In this tutorial we will try to understand how we can use interfaces and factory pattern to create a truly decoupled architecture framework. In this sample we will take up a simple three tier architecture and apply interfaces and factory pattern to see how we can transform the three tier in to a truly decoupled architecture.
  • What are interfaces6/1/2009 1:08:55 AM. In this article I will be explaining you about interface, there types and implementation.
  • Sorting Object Using IComparer and IComparable Interfaces 5/30/2009 1:22:16 AM. The System.Collections namespace contains interfaces and classes that define various...
  • How we configure interfaces of PIX or ASA1/12/2009 5:17:00 AM. A pix or firewall can have up to the 10 interfaces based upon PIX or ASA version and Interface module install on it.
  • Messaging between Threads using Message Loop1/30/2006 11:48:06 PM. MessageLoopLib is a stripped down version of a complete, threading communication subsystem Ive written. This implementation is a single thread created in the GUI constructor. Ive dropped all thread management and have had to change some of the message code to accommodate this.
  • Simple Windows Forms Events and Interfaces1/18/2006 5:53:25 AM. This article contains a c# code which makes use of the concepts of Events and Interfaces together.
  • Querying COM+ through Web Services1/9/2006 1:42:06 AM. The most COM+ common administrative tasks (creating a COM+ application, installing/deleting a component, setting a component attribute) can be accomplished manually with the Component Services administrative tool from Management Console.
  • IComparable: Under the Hood12/23/2005 1:14:35 AM. We now calling Array.Sort() on C# Types such as int, char, string will automatically do sorting based on that type.